Friday, January 01, 2010


The last few days of 2009 were kind of drizzly, wet, and cold here at Camp Maranatha, but that didn't seem to slow the demolition crew down too much. After disassembling the beams, and carting them away to the ballfield, they set to work on the main supports. (Again, pardon my lack of appropriate terminology if I describe something incorrectly.)
It was interesting to watch them disassemble such big, heavy pieces.
Keith got in there with the camp's tractor and started tearing up the slab.

Poof! Except for some of the remaining slab, the building is completely gone. David Copperfield, eat your heart out! You're not the only one who can make a building disappear!

This square footing has an interesting story. Before the old tabernacle was constructed the camp held meetings in a circus tent. These concrete footings were what the tent's poles rested on. There are three of them, and when they poured the slab for the tabernacle they just left them in place and poured around them. Keith is going to try and pull them out intact with the tractor so we can use them in a walkway or something. I think that would be a neat way to tie the old into the new- to celebrate the camp's heritage even as we look forward to the exciting things God is doing in the life of the ministry today.


Sherry said...

That is so cool. Praying he gets them up in one piece.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!