Friday, October 27, 2006

FIRE UPDATE 10-27-2006 at 4:30 pm

There isn't much new to report with regards to the wildfire. Route 243 andState Highway 79 remain closed, and although the fire has grown it has not moved any closer to Idyllwild. Ironically the Santa Ana winds, which are fanning the flames, are also driving them away from Idyllwild. Today was less smokey here at the camp with blue skies, and only occasionally was there noticeable smoke or haze in the air.

At this time, you will be comforted to know that Idyllwild is in no danger. Our hearts go out to all those whose property lies in harm's way and for those firemen who are working so hard to safeguard the welfare and property of area residents at great personal risk.

We are especially mindful today of those firemen who have died and become injured fighting the fire, and our hearts go out to their families and loved ones. Please remember those who have been affected by this loss in your prayers.

It is hoped that sometime in the next 24 hours the Santa Ana winds will cease and an off-shore breeze may blow the fire back onto the 26,000 acres it has already scorched and thus extinguish it. We are grateful for the brave and dedicated service of the firemen and others who have been battling the fire, and we are also grateful that the fire has not effected the camp's operation in any way.

Our three guest groups are still planning to attend this weekend, but we have made sure, as a precaution, that all guest groups bring and maintain a sufficient number of vehicles to safely evacuate their campers in the unlikely event that an evacuation becomes necessary.

Your prayers are appreciated. We will update the blog as developments occur.

A good resource for current local information on the fire and its effects is the Idyllwild Town Crier's Web site;

Thursday, October 26, 2006


For those of you who have been following events on the news with regards to the Esperanza Fire you will be comforted to know that Idyllwild, and thus Camp Maranatha, is not in any danger at this time.

Route 243 between Idyllwild and Banning as well as State Highway 79 have been closed to through traffic due to encroachment from the wildfire on that side of the mountain.

The air here at the camp has been a little smokey throughout the day, but otherwise we remain uneffected.

We are expecting three guest groups this weekend with approximately 200 campers in all. We do not intend to cancel this weekend's retreats, as Idyllwild is in no danger at this time.

We would appreciate prayers for the safety of the firemen battling the fire, as well as prayer that the fire would not move further in the direction of Idyllwild.

I will update the blog with any developments as they occur.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


This weekend, October 27-29, we will have approximately 200 campers here at Camp Maranatha, and many of our regular kitchen workers will not be available to help. So, if you are interested in volunteering in the the camp's kitchen this weekend please give us a call. We would surely appreciate it!


Saturday, October 21, 2006


This weekend we are hosting the Spirit of Joy Lutheran and the Good Shepherd Lutheran Women's groups. Lucy Tate is enjoying the pancake breakfast.

Saturday, October 14, 2006


It is a cold and drizzly day here in Idyllwild. On my drive to the dump this morning I saw more than one chimney with smoke curling out of it. Mist and clouds shroud Tahquitz peak as well as the surrounding mountains, obscuring them from sight. As I type, rain is plip-plip-plopping on the tin roof above the office. The weather and cooler temperatures is a novel and pleasant change for our guests who live down off the mountain.
One of Camp Maranath's most faithful volunteers, Walt "Iron Man" Shirley, was back at work today putting some finishing touches on the new Oak Lodge.
Dave Shoemaker, another faithful volunteer who regularly travels from Orange County to help out here at the camp, is working with Keith Shirley to make aluminum templates for the "light boxes," which will be mounted around the Oak Lodge's ceiling-mounted light fixtures.

Staff Devotions 10-14-2006

This morning, after a delicious breakfast (are there any other kind at Camp Maranatha?), the kitchen staff took a break from their labors to share prayer requests and spend a little time in the Word. This morning we read Psalm 5 and a portion of Psalm 17.

Pictured left to right are TJ, Maria, Lisa, Erin, Kaitlin, and Lucas, who is hiding behind the head of Aaron.

Camp Maranatha is so thankful for servants such as these!

Thursday, October 12, 2006


The MMAPers are busy making "light boxes" which will surround the ceiling mounted light fixtures in the new Oak Lodge.
Because the Tabernacle is unheated it is used as a garage/workshop in the fall, winter and spring.

Camp Maranatha is so thankful for the MMAPers and other volunteers who selflessly devote their time, abilities and resources to the ministry at Camp Maranatha.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


Camp Maranatha has come a long way since its beginning in 1951 (the photo above shows the dining hall under construction), and now there is a new and exciting way to keep current with what is going on at camp. That's right, Camp Maranatha has a blog!

We plan on updating the blog regularly with pictures, weather reports, prayer requests, guest group information, and just about anything having to do with camp.

So if you are one of the many folks who love Camp Maranatha, but can't get up here as often as you'd like, this will be a great way to stay connected!