Friday, October 02, 2009


Several weeks ago I was walking across the grounds toward the office when Nancy Beggs found me. She had found this old flyer (from the 60's?) and thought we should have it here in the camp's archives. I recognized Dwight Shirley on the left and Betty Crimi crouching down on the right, and Nancy probably remembered more names, but I didn't write them down then. Do any of you recognize anybody else in this photo?

I couldn't fit the entire centerfold on my scanner. This was the best I could do. The biggest surprise in the flyer was the revelation that it only cost $6.50 to go to camp back then!!! Another surprise was that the camp began with dinner at 9:30 pm, and that lights out was pretty late- after midnight! Some of our campers wouldn't mind having lights out that late, but that might be a tougher sell to the counselors. What can I say? The 60's were a crazy time!

I'm also intrigued by this game called the "basketball bop" (also apparently known as "double dribble"). According to the flyer it involved a basketball and coins. Do any of you out there recall how to play this game? I think we should resurrect it.

Thanks for the trip down memory lane, Nancy.