They sat in the ballfield for a while, but work began almost right away on setting them up, and finaslly things are beginning to look like a real, live, honest-to-goodness building up there.
Camp Maranatha is blessed by the most amazing community of volunteers. Just about every weekend someone or some group of people come up to help with the building. Back during the teen march retreat we needed help backfilling the retaining wall along the eastern side of the building. Pictured above are the Vinings (left) and Walt Shirley (right) who spent a considerable amount of time working on the project. You've got to love volunteers, not only for what they do, but also for the spirit with which they do it. Just amazing!
One shovel full at a time.
Then we convinced the March Retreat to help with the wall as a service project.
Here's Captain Dave. He's the sort of Captain that would never ask his crew to do something that he wouldn't also do.
But sometimes the crew isn't as good about doing what Captain Dave does. There is still some backfilling to do, but they got the lion's share of it done, which is a huge relief.